
Tuesday 22 January 2013

photos in the park



One of the bonuses of the photo meetup I go to when I can is being the sometimes unknowing subject to other people. I loved these pictures taken of me by Richard Hadley and thought I'd share them here. It was a beautiful and sunny (but freezing) day in the park, and I took a number of pictures, but as always when I see other people's, I wonder if I was at the same place!

I also love the second picture, because it's me with one of my oldest friends in Barcelona, the girl who basically allowed me to learn Spanish, by putting up with my halting grammar, lack of vocabulary and inane conversation back when I was just learning, even though she spoke fluent English. I don't know how we ever managed to stay friends, given that I used to misunderstand half of what she said, but we have better conversations these days!



Pictures by Richard Hadley, who does wedding and event photography in Barcelona and the UK.


  1. Ooh this post is so fun!! I love candid photos like this, it's like seeing you in your natural habitat, haha

  2. The thing I like about this, is that you look very relaxed and natural, but you also look really sharp ad poised. This shows you take pride in your appearance and how you carry yourself daily rather than just when you do a photo set.

  3. @Gordianus: Thanks... although what I really see here is that I reallllly need to sew the button back on my coat pocket... going on two months now on that!

  4. Lovely photos! I always love seeing 'candid' pictures of other people. These have such a lovely feeling to them.
    Nina from little nomad

  5. The last photo is great, with what looks like a neverending harry potter-esque staircase ;)

  6. @Ashley: I know, it is a good staircase! I'll take you there. :)

  7. LOVE! such pretty warm colors :)


  8. Photo meetups sound like fun! Beautiful pics. Loving the light and the red coat :)

  9. Yes, tis surprising to see how others perceive us, even in photos, you are surprised!

  10. ...I rememember being grateful to those patient Indonesians who put up with my beginning of learning the language and the tutors at my University who painstakingly tried to explain some finer details of my University classes to me!

  11. oooh lovely pictures!and i like your coat - stands out in the second one, which by the way looks an ideal place for a loong walk :)

  12. Ooh this park looks lovely, the trees are so strange!

  13. Great pictures! This park looks so beautiful <3

  14. I love how candid these photos feel, and the sepia overtone is quite pretty! I also really liked reading about the friend who helped you learn Spanish. It's always great getting to know bloggers beyond their style!

  15. Patient friends are true friends, I say! Do you generally converse with each other in Spanish these days? Or do you mix it up with whatever language comes out?

    These are such exquisite photos. I will have to check out his other work. Thank you for sharing them.

  16. @Emily: mostly Spanish these days... though recently we started a Catalan/French language exchange. She speaks in Catalan and I (try to) correct, and I reply in awful French and she corrects. ;) So far... her Catalan is improving. My French, not so much!

  17. his photos are just stunning!! and that's extra special he caught you and your dear friend. actually when J & i first met his english was way better than mine as well. he has some pretty funny text messages from me saved away somewhere that make no sense. how long have you been living in Barcelona btw?

  18. @Dusana: I've been here about 3 years, though not all together (the first time I lived here was 2007). Can't believe it's been so long/short!

    And yeah, haha, I have a friend I used to email in Spanish five years ago. Whenever I read those emails now I burst out laughing. Sometimes I don't even know what I wanted to say! :D


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